revilement (السَّبُّ)

revilement (السَّبُّ)

الفقه أصول الفقه التربية والسلوك

التعريف :

»» al-sibāb

المعنى الاصطلاحي :

Any bad words intended to degrade and insult someone.

الشرح المختصر :

"Sabb" (insult) is the foul language intended to degrade or humiliate others. Words of insult include calling someone as: disbeliever, dissolute, hypocrite, liar, wicked, malicious, one-eyed, etc. Categories of "sabb" are: 1. "Sabb" that leads to disbelief: e.g. blaspheming Allah, any of His prophets, or the religion of Islam. 2. "Sabb" that incurs corporal punishment of slander: e.g. accusing others of committing adultery or fornication. 3. "Sabb" that incurs discretionary punishment: e.g. insulting the ruler or one's parents. 4. "Sabb" that leads to dissolution: and may lead to disbelief, e.g. insulting the Prophet's Companions, may Allah be pleased with them.

التعريف اللغوي المختصر :

"Sabb": insult, defamation. "Subbah": disgrace, fault. Original meaning: cutting, because insult cuts and severs the bond of affection and friendship. Other meanings: degradation, reproach.