rational (الْعَقْلِيَّاتُ)

rational (الْعَقْلِيَّاتُ)

العقيدة أصول الفقه

التعريف :

Rational matters which include what may be understood by one’s reason, even before the advent of religion. This is a term used by theologians.

المعنى الاصطلاحي :

Anything that is approved by reason or known through human intellect.

الشرح المختصر :

"Al-`Aqliyyaat": are established facts by human intellect, e.g. the existence of Allah, His perfect attributes, and the likes.

التعريف اللغوي المختصر :

"Al-`Aqliyyaat": is ascribed to reason. In other words, it is perception, knowledge and understanding; opposite: "Humq" (foolishness), "Jahl" (ignorance). Other meaning: to tighten and tie. The word's origin is prevention and restrain. The term addresses anything related to reason.