in common agreement (الْمُتَوَاطِئ)

in common agreement (الْمُتَوَاطِئ)

أصول الفقه العقيدة

التعريف :

A word that refers to separate individuals which have its meaning in common and they are equal with regard to the meaning the word implies.

المعنى الاصطلاحي :

A word whose form and meaning are concordant

الشرح المختصر :

"Mutawāti"" (Concordant) is a noun that is used for many things, but indicates one meaning. A "mutawāti’" word has two meanings: 1. When used in a general sense: When it is used in this way, it indicates that the meaning is shared between some things. This is the general meaning, which is not specific to one of the things over the other. 2. When restricted or annexed to another word: This one denotes a specific meaning. Such as the word “Al-Wujood”, which is used to mean the existence of the Creator and the existence of the creation as well. The general meaning is the opposite to non-existence; however it differs according to the word to which it is annexed, because the existence of the Creator is not like the existence of the creation. "Mutawāti"" is of two categories: 1. "Mutawāti" Mutlaq" (general concordant term): If the meaning is the same whenever it is used. For example the word "rajul" (man) is used equally when referring to Zayd, ‘Umar, or Harry. 2. "Mutawāti" Mushakkik" (indefinite concordant term): If the meaning differs when it is used. For example, the word "noor" (light), has different meanings when used for the light of the sun and when used for the light of a lamp.

التعريف اللغوي المختصر :

"Mutawāti"": in agreement, concordant. "Tawātu"" means conformity, correspondence. "Muwāta"ah": accordance. It is derived from "wat"" which means lenience and easiness.