disciple (الْمُرِيد)

disciple (الْمُرِيد)


التعريف :

A Sufi term which means one who serves a mentor or shaykh.

المعنى الاصطلاحي :

A person detached from his will, in admiration of his shaykh (mentor), submitting to him, detached from all other things in devotion to Allah, the Exalted, and turning to Him in totality.

الشرح المختصر :

"Mureed" (follower/committed one/disciple) is a term related to Sufism. According to Sufis, it means the one who knows the majesty of Lordship and the rights due for it upon every created being as regards the position of divinity. Such majesty requires from all His slaves that they continuously show humility and submission to Him, dedicate themselves to His love and veneration, be on His side, and devote their hearts to Him, while turning away from everything else except Him, out of love and will. So he has no other purpose or wish for anything except Him. Also mentioned as a definition of "mureed": the one whose heart is lifeless toward anything other than Allah. He wants Allah alone, wants to draw near him, and yearns for Him until his desires for the world disappear from his heart due to intense longing for Allah, the Exalted. So his will becomes attached to knowing the truth, and he therefore decides to adopt the way of the Sufis, by being a "mureed" of the shaykh of the "tareeqah" (Sufi order). From the conditions of being a "mureed", according to the Sufis: He must show complete submission to his shaykh, venerate him, respect him in secret and public, refrain from criticizing him, and not object to anything that he does, even if it is apparently forbidden, and he must not try to find a reason for what his shaykh orders him to do; rather, he must do what he has been ordered with, whether he perceives it or not, and he should present himself to his Shaykh as a dead body is in front of the person washing it. The term "mureed", with the Sufis, has two meanings: 1. The one who loves, seeks something, or is attracted to it. 2. The one who follows, the one whom Allah provides with insight and guidance so that he always sees his own shortcomings.

التعريف اللغوي المختصر :

"Mureed": someone who does an action based upon his own choice, whether this choice is motivated by his love for this action or not. Derived from "arāda", which means to wish for, seek, like, and desire something.