
عبارات مقترحة:


كلمة (غَنِيّ) في اللغة صفة مشبهة على وزن (فعيل) من الفعل (غَنِيَ...


كلمة (القابض) في اللغة اسم فاعل من القَبْض، وهو أخذ الشيء، وهو ضد...


كلمة (المحسن) في اللغة اسم فاعل من الإحسان، وهو إما بمعنى إحسان...

Ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said: "While three persons were walking, rain began to fall and they had to enter a cave in a mountain. A (big) rock rolled over (and blocked the mouth of the cave). They said to one another: 'Invoke Allah with the best deed you have performed.' One of them said: 'O Allah, my parents were old, and I used to go out for grazing (my camels), and on my return, I would milk (the camels) and take the milk to my parents to drink. After that, I would give it to my children, family, and wife. One day, I got delayed, and as I returned home, I found my parents asleep, and I disliked to awaken them. The children were crying near my feet (out of hunger), and they continued like that till dawn. O Allah, if You know that I did this for Your sake, remove this rock a bit so that we may see the sky.' So the rock was moved a bit. The second man said: 'O Allah, You know that I loved a cousin of mine with the deepest love that a man might have for a woman, and she told me that I would not get my desire fulfilled unless I paid her one hundred dinars. I struggled until I could gather the required amount, and when I sat in between her legs, she said: 'Fear Allah, and do not deflower me except lawfully.' Thereupon, I got up and left her. O Allah, If You know that I did this for Your sake, remove this rock a bit.' So two thirds of the rock was moved. Then the third man said: 'O Allah, You know that I once hired a worker for one Faraq (a measure equal to 16 pounds) of maize, and when I wanted to pay him, he refused to take his wages; so I cultivated it and bought cows and a shepherd from its yield; and after a period of time, that man came and said: 'O slave of Allah, give me my right.' I said to him: ‘Go to those cows and the shepherd and take them, for they yours.’ He said: ‘Are you mocking me?’ I said to him: ‘I am not mocking you; but they belong to you.’ O Allah, If You know that I did this for Your sake, remove the rock.' So the rock was removed."

شرح الحديث :

While three men were walking, it rained and they took refuge in a cave. Then a rock fell and blocked the mouth of the cave. They said to each other: Invoke Allah with the best deed that you have performed so that perhaps He will remove your distress and move this rock away. One of them said: "O Allah, I had an old father and mother. And I used to go out for grazing my camels, and when I returned home, I would milk the camels and bring the milk to my parents to drink therefrom. After them, I would let my young children, wife, and the rest of my family, such as brothers and sisters, drink from it. One night, some emergency delayed me, and when I turned back, I found my parents asleep. I milked the camels as usual and stood near my parents, disliking to awaken them or to let my children and family drink before them. The children were crying out of extreme hunger. Nevertheless, we remained in this condition till dawn, after which they woke up and I gave them the milk to drink before I gave my children any. O Allah, if You know that I did this to win Your pleasure, remove this rock a little bit so that we can see the sky." So Allah caused the rock to move a little, enabling them to see the sky. The second man said: "O Allah, I loved a cousin of mine intensely. I tried to seduce her, but she stipulated that I should pay her one hundred dinars to fulfill my desire. I collected the required amount and gave it to her; and when I sat in between her legs, she said to me: 'Fear Allah and do not commit the illegal act, and do not deflower me except lawfully.' Thereupon, I got up and left her. O Allah, if You know that I did this in pursuit of Your pleasure, remove this rock a little." So Allah, the Almighty, caused two thirds of the rock to move. The third man said: "O Allah, I employed a worker to do some work for me in return for 16 pounds of maize. When he finished the job, I wanted to pay him, but he refused to take his wage, so I took the maize and cultivated it, and I kept cultivating and selling it until I bought cows and a shepherd with its price. Later, this worker came to claim his dues, saying: 'O slave of Allah, give me my right.' I said to him: 'Go to those cows and the shepherd and take them, for they are all yours.' He thought that I was mocking him, but I affirmed that I was not, and I again told him that the cows and the shepherd were his. O Allah, if You know that I did this in pursuit of Your pleasure, remove the rock." Thereupon, Allah, the Almighty, caused the rock to move from the remaining part of the cave's mouth, so they exited it.

ترجمة هذا الحديث متوفرة باللغات التالية