existence (الْوُجُودُ)

existence (الْوُجُودُ)

العقيدة الثقافة والدعوة

التعريف :

What is confirmed in itself, and can be informed about.

المعنى الاصطلاحي :

Occurrence and existence of something that cause it to be a reality.

الشرح المختصر :

"Wujood" (existence) is an affirmed attribute of Allah according to the consensus of Muslims and all rational people, and none can argue about that except an atheist. Hence, Allah has the attribute of existence, and He is existent, and He is the One who brings creatures to existence. However, affirming “existence” as an attribute of Allah does not necessitate having another being that brought Him to existence, because "wujood" has two types: 1. Self-existence: It applies to the One whose existence is affirmed in Him not obtained from another being. It is the existence of Allah the Almighty that has not been preceded by nor will it be liable to nonexistence. 2. Created existence: It applies to the one whose existence is possible and is preceded by nonexistence. This requires a Creator to create him and bring him to existence and this Creator is Allah the Almighty.

التعريف اللغوي المختصر :

"Wujood": emergence and occurrence of something. Original meaning: certainty. Other meanings: the existent, perception, attendance, occurrence, survival. Opposite: "`adam" (non-existence).