Making defective (إِخْلَالٌ)

Making defective (إِخْلَالٌ)

أصول الفقه

المعنى الاصطلاحي :

Failure to do something as prescribed by the Shariah.

الشرح المختصر :

"Ikhlāl" (making defective) refers to violating the Shariah in terms of words, deeds, or beliefs. It is done either by leaving out a condition, a pillar, an obligation, or a recommended thing or by committing a forbidden or disliked act, whether that is done intentionally, by mistake, or out of forgetfulness. "Ikhlāl" may sometimes cause invalidation of acts of worship or contracts, like praying without ablution. It may also undermine the reward of a worship, like abandoning some supererogatory aspects associated with prayer or engaging in disliked ones. Prayer may be valid in certain cases despite the loss of its entire reward, like the prayer performed by someone who consults a soothsayer.

التعريف اللغوي المختصر :

"Ikhlāl": spoiling, weakening, making defective. Derived from "khalal", which means the space between two things. Other meanings: dereliction, negligence, reducing, annulling.