كلمة (غَنِيّ) في اللغة صفة مشبهة على وزن (فعيل) من الفعل (غَنِيَ...
The Book of Allah sent down upon ‘Isā (Jesus), peace be upon him. It contains guidance, light, and advice and confirmed the Torah, which preceded it.
"Al-Injeel" (the Gospel/the Bible/the New Testament) is the Book that Allah sent down upon ‘Isā, peace be upon him, to complete the Torah, support it, and conform with the majority of its legal issues. It guided to the straight path, distinguished the truth from falsehood, and called to the worship of Allah alone without any partners. After ‘Isā, peace be upon him, was raised to heaven, "Al-Injeel" was distorted by means of alteration, interpolation, and deletion. The canonical "Anājeel" (pl. of Injeel) in Christianity are four, they are those of Matthew, John, Mark, and Luke. The contents of these "Anājeel" can be grouped into five themes, as follows: 1. Stories: They occupy the largest portion of the "Anājeel". Stories talk about the life of ‘Isā, peace be upon him, starting from his birth, then his call, and then his death on the cross, burial, rise from the dead, and ascension to heaven, according to their claims. 2. Beliefs: They mainly focus on the divinity of ‘Isā, his being the Son, and they establish the basics of the distorted Christian creed. The "Injeel" of John is the most explicit in this regard. 3. Laws: It is understood from the "Anājeel" that they confirm the laws of Mūsa (Moses), peace be upon him, with the exception of those laws that ‘Isā modified or abrogated in specific issues, such as divorce, compensation for harm or injury, and stoning the adulteress. 4. Morals: They convey extremism in seeking perfection, forgiving and pardoning, and in facing a bad deed with a good deed. However, there are some verses in the "Anājeel" that call for fighting, yet the verses speaking about perfection and forgiveness are dominant. 5. Marriage and family affairs: The "Anājeel" did not pay much attention to marital affairs; however, they generally convey the idea that a celibate, single person is closer to Allah than a married one. The currently available "Anājeel" were not dictated by ‘Isā, peace be upon him, nor were they revealed to him. Rather, they were written after him. Furthermore, they contain many contradictions, differences, and belittlement of the Lord, may He be Glorified and Exalted. In addition, they ascribe immoralities to the prophets, peace be upon them all, not to mention false beliefs which contradict authentic texts as well as sound logic. These "Anājeel" lack a contiguous chain of transmission. The Christians hold many different opinions as to when these "Anājeel" were written. The above four "Anājeel" were canonized by the Council in Nicea in 325 AD.
"Al-Injeel": a Hebrew name; it was also said to be a Greek word meaning good news or a new teaching. It was also said to be an Arabic word derived from "najala", which means revealed. The "Injeel" was thus given that name because Allah revealed it to the people after the truth had been eradicated. There are other opinions as well.
The divine revelations given to Jesus, son of Mary (peace be upon him). Christians nowadays call the gospel ‘the new testament’. They have four gospels attributed to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.