explanation of variant recitations (تَوْجِيهُ الْقِرَاءَات)

explanation of variant recitations (تَوْجِيهُ الْقِرَاءَات)

علوم القرآن

التعريف :

A discipline that focuses on explaining the points of variance in Qur'anic recitation, their linguistic construction and their meanings, as also stating which of these is approved. It is also called Ꜥilal al-qirāʾāt, ḥijaj al-qirāʾāt and al-iḥtijāj lil-qirāʾāt.

المعنى الاصطلاحي :

A branch of knowledge devoted to investigating the soundness of the method according to which a specific mode of recitation is reported, along with identifying the differences between the various modes of recitations of the Qur’an.

الشرح المختصر :

"Tawjeeh al-qirā’āt" (explaining the difference between Qur’anic modes of recitation) is a noble branch of knowledge through which the the glory and broadness of the meanings are known. It covers various Qur’an-exclusive sub-topics, such as "tawjeeh al-i‘rāb", "tawjeeh-ut-tasreef", "tawjeeh al-adā", and "tawjeeh al-ma‘āni wal alfāzh", i.e. explaining the difference that occurs in "i‘rāb" (describing the status of the word in a sentence with a diacritic, or a symbol, which indicates its rank), "sarf" (morphology), "adā" (the manner in which the recitation is made), and "ma‘āni" (meanings). The reciter clarifies the reason behind such differences according to the Arabic language by highlighting the differences related to diacritical marks, accent, etc. For instance, the word "uswah" was read in this manner throughout the Qur’an in one method of recitation, while another method reads it as "iswah", and both are correct. This branch of knowledge is considered one of the fruits of the Arabic language studies, to which the scholars devoted their life in service of the noble Qur’an.