
عبارات مقترحة:


كلمة (الحَيِّ) في اللغة صفةٌ مشبَّهة للموصوف بالحياة، وهي ضد...


 (الحَسِيب) اسمٌ من أسماء الله الحسنى، يدل على أن اللهَ يكفي...


البِرُّ في اللغة معناه الإحسان، و(البَرُّ) صفةٌ منه، وهو اسمٌ من...

The two declarations

من موسوعة المصطلحات الإسلامية

المعنى الاصطلاحي

Saying: I bear witness that none is worthy of worship but Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.

الشرح المختصر

"Ash-Shahādatān" (the Two Testimonies of Faith) refer to the statement: "I testify that none is worthy of worship but Allah, and I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah". "I testify that none is worthy of worship but Allah" means devoting one's worship sincerely to Allah alone, and negating the worthiness of other than Him of worship. This testimony is of no benefit to the one who utters it unless two conditions are fulfilled: 1. Saying "none is worthy of worship but Allah" out of belief, knowledge, certainty, affirmation, and love. 2. Disbelieving in everything that is worshiped other than Allah, the Almighty. Whoever utters this testimony without disbelieving in everything that is worshiped other than Allah, it will be of no avail to him. "I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah" means obeying his commands, believing what he said, and avoiding what he prohibited and warned of. It also means worshiping Allah only with what His Messenger legislated and believing that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah to all people and that he is a slave who is not worshiped and a messenger who is not accused of lying; rather, he must be obeyed and followed. Whoever obeys him will be admitted into Paradise, and whoever disobeys him will enter Hell.

التعريف اللغوي المختصر

"Ash-Shahādatān": dual form of the noun "shahādah", which means affirmed report. Other meanings: declaring, attending in person.


The declarations: I bear witness that there is no deity other than God, and that Muhammad is God's Messenger.