كلمة (غفّار) في اللغة صيغة مبالغة من الفعل (غَفَرَ يغْفِرُ)،...
Seeking help and support from the ruler or his deputy to restore justice or remove injustice.
"Isti‘dā’" (filing a lawsuit) means requesting justice from the ruler or his deputy, such as the judge or magistrate, against an adversary who violated his rights by summoning the adversary and questioning him and listening to the claim of the "musta‘di" (plaintiff). "Isti‘dā’" is also called "iddi‘ā" (lawsuit). "Isti‘dā’" is considered a form of forbidding evil and is one of its levels, as the levels of forbidding evil start with admonition and warning, then reprimanding and censuring, then changing with the hand, and then finally "isti‘dā’" by taking the case to the ruler.
"Isti‘dā’": seeking justice and support, asking for help and relief. Derived from "ta‘addi", which means exceeding the limits.