كلمة (القدير) في اللغة صيغة مبالغة من القدرة، أو من التقدير،...
Two or more people cooperating to achieve a certain objective as much as they can.
"Ta‘āwun" (cooperation) is one of the necessities of life that man cannot dispense with. It is divided into two categories: 1. "Ta‘āwun" in obedience and piety: cooperation in obeying Allah and His Messenger, may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him, and in giving up all types of misdeeds including polytheism, religious innovations, and acts of disobedience. People, with regards to their cooperation in good, are divided into four categories: a. He who assists others and seeks others" assistance; he is the fairest. b. He who neither assists others nor asks for assistance; he is blameworthy. c. He who seeks assistance but does not assist others; he is a mean. d. He who assists others but does not seek their assistance; he is generous and noble. 2. "Ta‘āwun" in sin and transgression: Cooperation in murder, theft, oppression and so on. Fruits of cooperation in good: 1. It is a sign of one’s perfect faith. 2. Every individual benefits from the experiences of others in all walks of life. 3. It is a means of earning Allah"s love and pleasure. 4. It facilitates accomplishing huge tasks that cannot be done by individuals. 5. Strengthening Islamic brotherhood, and encouraging people to be merciful and helpful towards one another. 6. It eliminates most of the blameworthy morals, such as envy, hatred, selfishness, pride, ostentation, etc.
"Ta‘āwun": cooperation, people assisting one another. It is derived from "‘awn" which means help and support. “Isti‘ānah”: seeking help from others. “Al-Mu‘een”: supporter, helper.
Mutual support on a specific matter, whether good or not.