learning (الأَخْذ)

learning (الأَخْذ)

الحديث أصول الفقه

التعريف :

»» al-taḥammul

المعنى الاصطلاحي :

Acquiring something and taking possession of it.

الشرح المختصر :

“Akhdh”(taking) means taking something and seizing it, whether it is a material item or a service. There are two kinds of “akhdh”: 1. Rightful “akhdh”, such as taking the price in return for a commodity and taking a dowry in return for marriage. 2. Wrongful “akhdh”, such as stealing, usurping, and the like.

التعريف اللغوي المختصر :

“Akhdh”: to take something and obtain it. Opposite: “‘itaa” (giving), “tasleem” (delivering). Original meaning: to amass something, such as money, and have possession of it.