كلمة (قُدُّوس) في اللغة صيغة مبالغة من القداسة، ومعناها في...
Anything that is used as a means and a way to achieving something else.
"Dharee'ah": The means and ways that lead to achieving something. The means take the same ruling of the ends they lead to. In other word, the means leading to something permissible is permissible; the means leading to something obligatory is obligatory; and the means leading to something prohibited is prohibited. "Dharee`ah" is divided into two categories: 1.Dharee`ah which is a means leading to a permissible end. For example, traveling with its preparations are all means required to perform Hajj, so Hajj is an end and traveling is the means to that end. 2. Dharee`ah which is a means leading to a prohibited end. For example, adultery and all other sins are an end, and traveling to the places where they are committed is a means to this prohibited end.
"Dharee`ah" (pl. dharaa'i`): the means to something and the cause leading to it. Basic meaning of the term: a camel whose owner leaves with wild animals so that they get accustomed to it, then he comes and hunts them.
- the means used to attain one’s objectives, whether legitimate or not.