كلمة (الوكيل) في اللغة صفة مشبهة على وزن (فعيل) بمعنى (مفعول) أي:...
The bridge on top of Hellfire which the people will cross towards Paradise based on their good or bad deeds; the pious will cross it, while the evildoers will stumble.
"As-Sirāt" (the Path) is the bridge on top of Hellfire which people will cross in different conditions as per their deeds and their fastness in accepting the Shariah in the worldly life. Some will cross in the blink of an eye, some will cross as fast as lightning, some as fast as the wind, some as fast as horses, and some as fast as camels; some will run, some will walk, some will crawl, and some will be hooked into the Hellfire. "As-Sirāt" is said to be thinner than a strand of hair, sharper than a sword, and hotter than an ember. Some scholars said that it is a wide path, yet slippery and risky, with plenty of thorns. No one can know its magnitude but Allah. In any case, it is extremely frightening.
"Sirāt": clear, straight path.
A bridge erected over hell for all creation to cross over. Some will be spared and others will fall in the fire.