كلمة (المصور) في اللغة اسم فاعل من الفعل صوَّر ومضارعه يُصَوِّر،...
What is open to existence and non-existence and cannot exist except by the assistance of another, not on its own.
The "mumkin" (the possible) is what is open to existence and non-existence, and it can only exist when someone brings it to existence. In other words, it is that of which the mind can conceive its existence or non-existence equally. The "mumkin" is incapable of creating its own existence; rather, it is only brought to existence, otherwise it will not exist. The occurrence is "mumkin" because it can possibly exist or not. It is well-known that any action must have a doer and a creature must have a creator; so whatever is "mumkin" must have someone who brings it to existence. Allah, the Almighty, says: {Or were they created by nothing, or were they the creators [of themselves]?} [At-Toor: 35] Since they have not been created without a creator and they have not created themselves, they must have been created by a creator; because it is an axiom that something cannot exist by itself, just like a human being cannot create himself. This is one of the most obvious axioms. So if the existence of the "mumkin" becomes more probable, it is Allah, the Almighty, who creates it after it was non-existent.
"Mumkin": derived from "makana", which means enabling someone over something. "Tamakkana" or "istamkana": overpowering something and taking control of it. "Muknah": power, ability.
What reason considers not to be impossible to exist or not exist.