ibadism (الْإِبَاضِيَّة)

ibadism (الْإِبَاضِيَّة)


التعريف :

One of the main branches of al-Khawārij, named after ꜤAbdullāh ibn Ibāḍ, a leading figure of al-Khawārij. It agrees with al-Khawārij in most of their principles, but was subsequently influenced by the MuꜤtazilah and AshꜤariyyah in the formalisation of questions of faith.

المعنى الاصطلاحي :

A Kharijite sect ascribed to ‘Abdullah ibn Ibad At-Tamimi .

الشرح المختصر :

"Ibadiyah": A well-known group of Khawarij, named after its founder ‘Abdullah ibn Ibaad At-Tamimi. Major doctrines: 1. Negating divine attributes. Like Jahmiyyah, some of them negate divine attributes to avoid drawing similarities between Allah and His creation. Others identify the Divine attributes as Allah's Essence. 2. Denying that the believers will see Allah the Almighty in the hereafter. 3. Claiming that the Qur'an is created. 4. Denying the torment of the grave, the Scales (mizaan), the Bridge (sirat), and other matters of the afterlife. 5. Denying intercession in favor of Muslim sinners. 6. Saying that the Muslim who commits a major sin is either a disbeliever of Allah's blessings or a disbeliever of hypocrisy, but he is neither a disbeliever in Islam nor a polytheist. If such a person dies without repenting, he enters Hell. People are three categories: First: faithful believers, Second: unequivocal polytheists, Third: people who professed Islam but did not adhere to Islamic acts of worship. They are neither polytheists nor believers. However, they are considered from the believers concerning the rulings in this life, and with the polytheists concerning the rulings of the afterlife. 7. Using dissimulation (taqiyyah) in dealing with opponent Sunni Muslims. 8. Rebelling against sinner rulers.

التعريف اللغوي المختصر :

The "Ibadiyyah" sect named after its founder ‘Abdullah ibn Ibaad At-Tamimi.