the Impostor (دَجَّال)

the Impostor (دَجَّال)

الحديث العقيدة

التعريف :

A man who lives towards the end of time, one eyed, having lost his right eye. In between his eyes the word kufr, meaning disbelief, is written. It is easily read by all, including the illiterate. He will live on earth for forty days, but will not enter Makkah or Madinah. He will claim Godhead. His coming is one of the main signs of the approach of the day of judgement, and it is one of the hardest trials. Every prophet warned his community against following him. He will bring about some great miracles and terrible matters. He will be killed by Jesus, son of Mary, (peace be upon him).

المعنى الاصطلاحي :

It is the appearance of a one-eyed liar at the end of times from the children of Adam, whom Allah will give the ability to do wondrous and paranormal acts sa a trial and tribulation for the people.

الشرح المختصر :

It is from the creed of Ahl-us-Sunnah to believe in the major signs of the Hour. From these signs is the appearance of the Maseeh Ad-Dajjal (False Messaiah) at the end of times. We believe that he is a trial for the people and that Allah gave him the divine ability of doing things; such as reviving the dead person after killing him; making the land fertile and full of vegetation; having his own heaven and hell; the treasures of this world being in his possession, and his ability to make the sky rain and the earth to grow. All of these supernatural occur with the power and will of Allah. Allah then makes him unable to perform these things, so, he will be unable to kill that person or others, and he will become powerless. Jesus, peace be upon him, will kill him, and Allah gives victory to the believers. The word Dajjal is derived from the word "dajal" which means lying and slander. This is because he is the biggest liar on Allah the almighty, as he diverts people from the religion of Allah, and seventy thousand Jews from Asfahan follow him. All of the previous prophets have warned their people of him, and have described him clearly to them. From these prophets was the Messenger of Allah, may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him, as he described him to his clearly in a way that it will not be ambiguous on anyone who has the eyesight, and warned them of him. He was named Al-Maseeh Al-Dajjal because his right eye is mamsooh (blind) and not functional, or because he travels around the earth in a very short time. The Jahmiyyah, Kharijites, Mu`tazilites, and some of the modern writers who claim to have knowledge have denied his existence. They did not rely on a sound proof to refute the unanimous religious, excpet their intellects and deviant whims. These people and their deviant idealogies have no value against the sound proofs of Shari`a