al-Qadariyyah (الْقَدَرِيَّة)

al-Qadariyyah (الْقَدَرِيَّة)


التعريف :

A sect that are called after qadar, which means the ‘divine will’. They deny the divine will and say there is no such a thing as divine will, and that all matters are initiated. They claim that a person has an independent will and power and that God has neither will nor any element of creation in what a human being does. The Qadariyyah are of two types: the earlier ones who denied all four grades of divine will, i.e. God’s knowledge, recording, will and creation of people’s actions. These are the MaꜤbadīs and Ghaylānīs, the followers of MaꜤbad al-Juhanī and Ghaylān of Damascus. The second Qadariyyah are the MuꜤtazilah who denied God’s will and creation of people’s actions.

المعنى الاصطلاحي :

A general designation of everyone who went astray in regards to predetermination, either by denying it or going to extremes in affirming it.

الشرح المختصر :

Belief in qadar is a pillar of Islamic faith. Qadar means God’s knowledge of things, writing them down, willing and creating them. Every believer has to believe in qadar, be it good or bad, sweet and bitter, regardless of knowing or not knowing its wise purpose. Ahl-us-Sunna (Sunni Muslims) believe that Allah had known things before they occurred, then He wrote them down, then willed them to occur, and then created and brought them into being. Allah is the creator of things, and the slave does his deeds in reality by his own power and choice. The Qadariyyah have gone astray concerning qadar, they are divided into two sects: First, Negationist Qadariyyah: They deny Allah’s predetermination of the actions of creatures. They say that Allah did not will or predetermine sins of sinners. According to them, Allah does not create the deeds of humans; rather, the servants create their own actions. They justify their sins with qadar, thereby saying that Allah has predetermined their sins, so how could He punish them? This sect split into two categories: 1. Extreme Qadariyyah: Those who deny Allah’s eternal knowledge, which is His everlasting attribute, and with which He knows all the deeds and circumstances of the creatures, then He wrote in the Preserved Tablet the divine decrees concerning the creatures. 2. Mainstream Qadariyyah: Those who deny Allah’s effective will and overwhelming power. Also, they deny that whatever Allah wills occurs, and whatever Allah does not will, does not occur. They further deny that Allah has ultimate power over existents and non-existents. Second, Fatalist Qadariyyah: They went to extremes in affirming qadar. They claimed that the human has no choice, actions, or ability. Rather, he is like a feather blown by wind. Thus, human's actions, be they acts of obedience or disobedience, are Allah’s actions, and the created beings have neither will nor choice in doing or not doing them.

التعريف اللغوي المختصر :

"Qadariyyah": ascription to "qadar": judgment, ruling, everything that Allah plans and decides in all affairs. "Al-Qadariyyah" is a group of people who went astray in regards with predetermination.