كلمة (الواحد) في اللغة لها معنيان، أحدهما: أول العدد، والثاني:...
Interpreting words from one language to another.
There are two types of "tarjamah" (translation): 1. Literal "tarjamah": transferring words from one language to another while retaining the literal meaning of words or the sentence structure. 2. "Tarjamah" of the meanings of words: expressing words in a way that clarifies their meanings and purposes, and here the "tarjamah" is more like an interpretation and explanation of the text (exegesis).
"Tarjamah": clarification, explanation. It is used to mean the process of translating from one language to another.
Expressing the meaning in a different language while retaining the style and character of the original text.